Module src.ref.analysis_raw_images.data_raw_images

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from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from skimage.external.tifffile import imread
from skimage import io
import os
from os.path import join as oj
from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import extract_patches_2d
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate, train_test_split
from scipy import ndimage

auxilin_dir = '/accounts/grad/xsli/auxilin_data'
# auxilin_dir = '/scratch/users/vision/data/abc_data/auxilin_data/'

def get_data(cell_name, auxilin_dir=auxilin_dir, normalize=True):
    '''Loads in X and Y for one cell
    X : np.ndarray
        has shape (W, H, num_images)
    Y : np.ndarray
        has shape (W, H, num_images)
    cell_name = 'Cell1_1s'
    data_dir = oj(auxilin_dir, 'A7D2', cell_name) # 'A7D2', 'EGFB-GAK-F6'
    fname1 = os.listdir(oj(data_dir, 'TagRFP'))[0]
    fname2 = os.listdir(oj(data_dir, 'EGFP'))[0]
    X = imread(oj(data_dir, 'TagRFP', fname1)) #.astype(np.float32) # X = RFP(clathrin) (num_images x H x W)
    Y = imread(oj(data_dir, 'EGFP', fname2)) #.astype(np.float32) # Y = EGFP (auxilin) (num_image x H x W)
    if normalize:
        X = (X - np.mean(X)) / np.std(X)
        Y = (Y - np.mean(Y)) / np.std(Y)
    return X, Y

def extract_single_pixel_features(X, Y, normalize=True):
    '''Extract time-series for single pixels as features
    X_feat = X.transpose() # W x H x num_images
    X_feat = X_feat.reshape(X_feat.shape[0] * X_feat.shape[1], -1) # num_pixels x num_images
    X_feat = X_feat.reshape(-1, 1)
    y_max = np.expand_dims(Y.sum(axis=0).flatten(), 1) # num_pixels x 1
    y_max = (y_max - np.mean(y_max)) / np.std(y_max)
    return X_feat, y_max

def extract_single_pixel_max_features(X, Y):
    '''Take max over X (after some preprocessing) and use it to predict max over Y
    X_log = ndimage.gaussian_laplace(X, sigma=10) #Laplacian-of-Gaussian filter
    X_max_log = X_log.max(axis=0)
    X_max_log = X_max_log.flatten()
    Y_max = np.expand_dims(Y.max(axis=0).flatten(), 1)
    return X_max_log, Y_max

def extract_patch_features(X, Y, patch_size=9):
    '''Extract time-series for patches as features
    X : np.ndarray
        has shape (num_patches, patch_size, patch_size, num_images)
    Y : np.ndarray
        has shape (num_images)
    X_feat = X.transpose() # W x H x num_images
    X_patches = extract_patches_2d(X_feat, patch_size=(patch_size, patch_size), max_patches=None).astype(np.float32) # num_patches x patch_size x patch_size x num_images
#     X_patches_flat = X_patches.reshape(X_patches.shape[0], -1)
    # take only the center of the y matches
    Y_max = np.max(Y, axis=0) # H x W
    Y_patches = extract_patches_2d(Y_max.transpose(), patch_size=(patch_size, patch_size), max_patches=None) # num_patches x patch_size x patch_size x num_images
    patch_center = patch_size // 2
    Y_centers = Y_patches[:, patch_center, patch_center].astype(np.float32)
    return X_patches, Y_centers

def extract_next_frame_prediction_data(X, Y, window_length=10, test_size=0.33, LoG_var=10):
     extract training and test samples for next frame prediction
          X, Y: np.ndarray
              clathrin and auxilin movies
          window_length: int
              num of previous images used for prediction
          test_size: float (between 0 and 1)
              % of images used as test data
          LoG_var: float
              var of log filter
          X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test: np.array
              train and test data, by default, the movies are partitioned into n = (len(X) - window_length) / window_length
              non-overlapping segments; the last n*test_size segments are used for testing
    X_log = ndimage.gaussian_laplace(X, sigma=10)
    n = int((len(X) - window_length) / window_length)
    n_train = int(n * (1 - test_size))
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = [], [], [], []
    for im in range(n_train):
        Y_train += list(Y[im*window_length + window_length].flatten())
        X_train += list(np.transpose([X_log[im*window_length + i].flatten() for i in range(window_length)]))
    for im in range(n_train, n):
        Y_test += list(Y[im*window_length + window_length].flatten())
        X_test += list(np.transpose([X_log[im*window_length + i].flatten() for i in range(window_length)]))
    return np.array(X_train), np.array(Y_train), np.array(X_test), np.array(Y_test)


def extract_next_frame_prediction_data(X, Y, window_length=10, test_size=0.33, LoG_var=10)

extract training and test samples for next frame prediction


X, Y : np.ndarray
clathrin and auxilin movies
int num of previous images used for prediction
float (between 0 and 1) % of images used as test data
float var of log filter


X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test : np.array
train and test data, by default, the movies are partitioned into n = (len(X) - window_length) / window_length non-overlapping segments; the last n*test_size segments are used for testing
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def extract_next_frame_prediction_data(X, Y, window_length=10, test_size=0.33, LoG_var=10):
     extract training and test samples for next frame prediction
          X, Y: np.ndarray
              clathrin and auxilin movies
          window_length: int
              num of previous images used for prediction
          test_size: float (between 0 and 1)
              % of images used as test data
          LoG_var: float
              var of log filter
          X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test: np.array
              train and test data, by default, the movies are partitioned into n = (len(X) - window_length) / window_length
              non-overlapping segments; the last n*test_size segments are used for testing
    X_log = ndimage.gaussian_laplace(X, sigma=10)
    n = int((len(X) - window_length) / window_length)
    n_train = int(n * (1 - test_size))
    X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = [], [], [], []
    for im in range(n_train):
        Y_train += list(Y[im*window_length + window_length].flatten())
        X_train += list(np.transpose([X_log[im*window_length + i].flatten() for i in range(window_length)]))
    for im in range(n_train, n):
        Y_test += list(Y[im*window_length + window_length].flatten())
        X_test += list(np.transpose([X_log[im*window_length + i].flatten() for i in range(window_length)]))
    return np.array(X_train), np.array(Y_train), np.array(X_test), np.array(Y_test)
def extract_patch_features(X, Y, patch_size=9)

Extract time-series for patches as features


X : np.ndarray
has shape (num_patches, patch_size, patch_size, num_images)
Y : np.ndarray
has shape (num_images)
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def extract_patch_features(X, Y, patch_size=9):
    '''Extract time-series for patches as features
    X : np.ndarray
        has shape (num_patches, patch_size, patch_size, num_images)
    Y : np.ndarray
        has shape (num_images)
    X_feat = X.transpose() # W x H x num_images
    X_patches = extract_patches_2d(X_feat, patch_size=(patch_size, patch_size), max_patches=None).astype(np.float32) # num_patches x patch_size x patch_size x num_images
#     X_patches_flat = X_patches.reshape(X_patches.shape[0], -1)
    # take only the center of the y matches
    Y_max = np.max(Y, axis=0) # H x W
    Y_patches = extract_patches_2d(Y_max.transpose(), patch_size=(patch_size, patch_size), max_patches=None) # num_patches x patch_size x patch_size x num_images
    patch_center = patch_size // 2
    Y_centers = Y_patches[:, patch_center, patch_center].astype(np.float32)
    return X_patches, Y_centers
def extract_single_pixel_features(X, Y, normalize=True)

Extract time-series for single pixels as features

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def extract_single_pixel_features(X, Y, normalize=True):
    '''Extract time-series for single pixels as features
    X_feat = X.transpose() # W x H x num_images
    X_feat = X_feat.reshape(X_feat.shape[0] * X_feat.shape[1], -1) # num_pixels x num_images
    X_feat = X_feat.reshape(-1, 1)
    y_max = np.expand_dims(Y.sum(axis=0).flatten(), 1) # num_pixels x 1
    y_max = (y_max - np.mean(y_max)) / np.std(y_max)
    return X_feat, y_max
def extract_single_pixel_max_features(X, Y)

Take max over X (after some preprocessing) and use it to predict max over Y

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def extract_single_pixel_max_features(X, Y):
    '''Take max over X (after some preprocessing) and use it to predict max over Y
    X_log = ndimage.gaussian_laplace(X, sigma=10) #Laplacian-of-Gaussian filter
    X_max_log = X_log.max(axis=0)
    X_max_log = X_max_log.flatten()
    Y_max = np.expand_dims(Y.max(axis=0).flatten(), 1)
    return X_max_log, Y_max
def get_data(cell_name, auxilin_dir='/accounts/grad/xsli/auxilin_data', normalize=True)

Loads in X and Y for one cell


X : np.ndarray
has shape (W, H, num_images)
Y : np.ndarray
has shape (W, H, num_images)
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def get_data(cell_name, auxilin_dir=auxilin_dir, normalize=True):
    '''Loads in X and Y for one cell
    X : np.ndarray
        has shape (W, H, num_images)
    Y : np.ndarray
        has shape (W, H, num_images)
    cell_name = 'Cell1_1s'
    data_dir = oj(auxilin_dir, 'A7D2', cell_name) # 'A7D2', 'EGFB-GAK-F6'
    fname1 = os.listdir(oj(data_dir, 'TagRFP'))[0]
    fname2 = os.listdir(oj(data_dir, 'EGFP'))[0]
    X = imread(oj(data_dir, 'TagRFP', fname1)) #.astype(np.float32) # X = RFP(clathrin) (num_images x H x W)
    Y = imread(oj(data_dir, 'EGFP', fname2)) #.astype(np.float32) # Y = EGFP (auxilin) (num_image x H x W)
    if normalize:
        X = (X - np.mean(X)) / np.std(X)
        Y = (Y - np.mean(Y)) / np.std(Y)
    return X, Y