Module src.ref.tracks_neighbor_features

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import numpy as np

def find_clathrin_neighbors(tracks, tracks_by_frame, distance, norm_ord):
    function that populates the "neighbors" attribute of all clathrin signals
        tracks, tracks_by_frame: output of read_tracks
        distance: float
        norm_ord: np.inf or int
            this will be used for the ord argument of np.linalg.norm
            np.inf corresponds to square patches
        list of tracks, for each clathrin signal in each track, this computes all neighbors of that signal within distance
        (in norm_ord norm) smaller than elements in the "distance" argument
    distance = [dist for dist in distance if dist not in tracks[0].clathrin_signals[0].neighbors]
    for track in tracks:
        for signal in track.clathrin_signals:
            for dist in distance:
                signal.neighbors[dist] = []
            for ss in tracks_by_frame[signal.frame]:
                ds = np.linalg.norm(np.array((signal.x - ss['cla'].x, signal.y - ss['cla'].y)), 
                for dist in distance:
                    if ds <= dist and ds > 0.01:
    return tracks

#def num_of_neighbors(tracks, tracks_by_frame, distance, norm_ord):
    #to be finished...


def find_clathrin_neighbors(tracks, tracks_by_frame, distance, norm_ord)

function that populates the "neighbors" attribute of all clathrin signals

Input: tracks, tracks_by_frame: output of read_tracks distance: float norm_ord: np.inf or int this will be used for the ord argument of np.linalg.norm np.inf corresponds to square patches


list of tracks, for each clathrin signal in each track, this computes all neighbors of that signal within distance (in norm_ord norm) smaller than elements in the "distance" argument

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def find_clathrin_neighbors(tracks, tracks_by_frame, distance, norm_ord):
    function that populates the "neighbors" attribute of all clathrin signals
        tracks, tracks_by_frame: output of read_tracks
        distance: float
        norm_ord: np.inf or int
            this will be used for the ord argument of np.linalg.norm
            np.inf corresponds to square patches
        list of tracks, for each clathrin signal in each track, this computes all neighbors of that signal within distance
        (in norm_ord norm) smaller than elements in the "distance" argument
    distance = [dist for dist in distance if dist not in tracks[0].clathrin_signals[0].neighbors]
    for track in tracks:
        for signal in track.clathrin_signals:
            for dist in distance:
                signal.neighbors[dist] = []
            for ss in tracks_by_frame[signal.frame]:
                ds = np.linalg.norm(np.array((signal.x - ss['cla'].x, signal.y - ss['cla'].y)), 
                for dist in distance:
                    if ds <= dist and ds > 0.01:
    return tracks