Announcements! ( See All )
08/17 - Welcome to the Fall 2022 offering of STAT 215A! The first lecture will be 08/26.
This calendar will be updated as the semester progresses.
WeekDateContentAssignmentsReadings Due (before lecture)
1 Thu 08/25 Lecture 1: Introductions
Fri 08/26 Section 0: Git / GitHub + R / Tidyverse
  • Lab 0: GitHub setup + practice submission

    Due: 09/02

2 Tue 08/30 Lecture 2: Problem Formulation
Thu 09/01 Lecture 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Fri 09/02 Section 1: Workflow + Rmd + Latex + R Tricks + Lab 1
  • Lab 0 due
  • Lab 1: PECARN data assigned

    Due: 09/23 at 11:59pm

3 Tue 09/06 Lecture 4: EDA (Part 2)
Thu 09/08 Lecture 5: EDA (Part 3)
Fri 09/09 Section 2: Advanced visualization techniques
4 Tue 09/13 Lecture 6: Prediction and assessment
Thu 09/15 Lecture 7: Prediction and assessment (Part 2)
Fri 09/16 Section 3: TBA
5 Tue 09/20 Lecture 8: Stability
Thu 09/22 Lecture 9: Stability (Part 2)
Fri 09/23 Section 4: TBA
  • Lab 1 due at 11:59pm
6 Tue 09/27 Lecture 10: Stability (Part 3)
Thu 09/29 Section 5: TBA
Fri 09/30 Lecture 11: Stability (Part 4)
7 Tue 10/04 Lecture 12: Sources of randomness
Thu 10/06 Lecture 13: Sources of randomness (Part 2)
  • Lab 2 due at 11:59pm
Fri 10/07 Section 6: Introduce Lab 3
Sun 10/09
  • Lab 2 Peer Review assigned

    Due: 10/17 at 11:59pm

8 Tue 10/11 Section 7: TBA
  • Lab 3 assigned

    Due: 10/26 at 11:59pm

Thu 10/13 Lecture 14: Sources of randomness (Part 3)
Fri 10/14 Lecture 15: Bootstrap. Interpretation.
Sun 10/16
  • Lab 2 Peer Review due at 11:59pm
9 Tue 10/18 Section 8: Midterm review
Thu 10/20 Midterm Exam
Fri 10/21 (1-2:30pm) Lecture 17: Classification
10 Tue 10/25 Lecture 16: Bootstrap. Interpretation. (Part 2)
  • Lab 3 due at 11:59pm
Fri 10/28 Section 9: Introduce Lab 4
11 Mon 10/31
  • Lab 4: Group Project assigned

    Due: 11/19 at 11:59pm

Tue 11/01 Lecture 18: Inference for logistic regression
Thu 11/03 Lecture 19: Logistic regression, Exponential family
  • Dobson Ch. 3-4
Fri 11/04 Section 9: TBA
12 Tue 11/08 Lecture 20: Logistic regression, Exponential family (Part 2)
Thu 11/10 Lecture 21: GLMs, Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
Fri 11/11 Section 10: TBA
  • Final Project assigned

    Due: 12/10 at 11:59pm

  • Lab 4 due at 11:59pm
13 Tue 11/15 Lecture 22: GLMs, Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (Part 2)
Thu 11/17 Lecture 23: Statistical Inference. PCS inference.
Fri 11/18 Section 11: Intro to COVID-19 data (guest speaker Tiffany Tang)
14 Tue 11/22 Lecture 24: Statistical Inference. PCS inference. (Part 2)
Thu 11/24 Thanksgiving Break
Fri 11/25 Thanksgiving Break
15 Tue 11/29 Lecture 25: Advanced topics
Thu 12/01 Lecture 26: Advanced topics (Part 2)
Fri 12/02 Extra OH
RRR Fri 12/09
  • Final Project due at 11:59pm