Useful functions for converting between different types (dicts, lists, tuples, etc.)

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"""Useful functions for converting between different types (dicts, lists, tuples, etc.)

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Union
from uuid import uuid4

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import ray
from ray.remote_function import RemoteFunction as RayRemoteFun

from vflow.subkey import Subkey
from vflow.vfunc import VfuncPromise

PREV_KEY = "__prev__"

def init_step(idx, cols):
    """Helper function to find init suffix
    in a column

    idx: int
        Index of 'init' column in cols.
    cols: list[str]
        List of column names.
    for i in range(idx, len(cols)):
        if cols[i] != "init":
            return "init-" + cols[i]
    return None

def base_dict(d: dict):
    """Remove PREV_KEY from dict d if present"""
    return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != PREV_KEY}

def dict_data(d: dict):
    """Returns a list containing all data in dict d"""
    return list(base_dict(d).values())

def dict_keys(d: dict):
    """Returns a list containing all keys in dict d"""
    return list(base_dict(d).keys())

def to_tuple(lists: list):
    """Convert from lists to unpacked tuple

    Allows us to write `X, y = to_tuple([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])`

    lists: list
        list of objects to convert to unpacked tuple

    >>> to_tuple([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])
    ([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
    >>> to_tuple([[x1, y1]])
    ([x1], [y1])
    >>> to_tuple([m1, m2, m3])
    [m1, m2, m3]
    n_mods = len(lists)
    if n_mods <= 1:
        return lists
    if not isinstance(lists[0], list):
        return lists
    n_tup = len(lists[0])
    tup = [[] for _ in range(n_tup)]
    for i in range(n_mods):
        for j in range(n_tup):
    return tuple(tup)

def to_list(tup: tuple):
    """Convert from tuple to packed list

    Allows us to call function with arguments in a loop

    tup: tuple
        tuple of objects to convert to packed list

        If passed uneven number of arguments without a list. Please wrap your args in a list.

    >>> to_list(([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]))
    [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
    >>> to_list(([x1], [y1]))
    [[x1, y1]]
    >>> to_list(([x1, x2, x3], ))
    [[x1], [x2], [x3]]
    >>> to_list((x1, ))
    >>> to_list((x1, y1))
    [[x1, y1]]
    >>> to_list((x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3))
    [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
    n_tup = len(tup)
    if n_tup == 0:
        return []
    if not isinstance(tup[0], list):
        # the first element is data
        if n_tup == 1:
            return [list(tup)]
        if n_tup % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Don't know how to handle uneven number of args "
                "without a list. Please wrap your args in a list."
        # assume first half of args is input and second half is outcome
        return [list(el) for el in zip(tup[: (n_tup // 2)], tup[(n_tup // 2) :])]
    if n_tup == 1:
        return [[x] for x in tup[0]]
    n_mods = len(tup[0])
    lists_packed = [[] for _ in range(n_mods)]
    for i in range(n_mods):
        for j in range(n_tup):
    return lists_packed

def sep_dicts(d: dict, n_out: int = 1, keys=None):
    """Converts dictionary with value being saved as an iterable into multiple dictionaries

    Assumes every value has same length n_out

    d: dict
        Dictionary with iterable values to be converted.
    n_out: int, default 1
        The number of dictionaries to separate d into.
    keys: list-like, default None
        Optional list of keys to use in output dicts.

    sep_dicts_list: list
        List of seperated dictionaries.

    >>> sep_dicts({k1: (x1, y1), k2: (x2, y2), ...,  '__prev__': p})
    [{k1: x1, k2: x2, ..., '__prev__': p}, {k1: y1, k2: y2, ..., '__prev__': p}]
    if keys is None:
        keys = []
    if len(keys) > 0 and len(keys) != n_out:
        raise ValueError(f"keys should be empty or have length n_out={n_out}")
    # empty dict -- return empty dict
    if n_out <= 1:
        return d
    # try separating dict into multiple dicts
    sep_dicts_id = str(uuid4())  # w/ high prob, uuid4 is unique
    sep_dicts_list = [{} for _ in range(n_out)]
    for key, value in d.items():
        if key != PREV_KEY:
            for i in range(n_out):
                # assumes the correct sub-key for item i is in the i-th position
                if len(keys) == 0:
                    new_key = (key[i],) + key[n_out:]
                    new_sub = Subkey(
                        value=keys[i], origin=key[-1].origin + "-" + str(i)
                    new_key = (new_sub,) + key
                new_key[-1].sep_dicts_id = sep_dicts_id
                if isinstance(value, VfuncPromise):
                    # return a promise to get the value at index i of the
                    # original promise
                    value_i = VfuncPromise(lambda v, x: v[x], value, i)
                    value_i = value[i]
                sep_dicts_list[i][new_key] = value_i

    return sep_dicts_list

def dict_to_df(d: dict, param_key=None):
    """Converts a dictionary with tuple keys
    into a pandas DataFrame, optionally seperating
    parameters in `param_key` if not None

    d: dict
        Output dictionary with tuple keys from a Vset.
    param_key: str (optional), default None
        Name of parameter to seperate into multiple columns.

    df: pandas.DataFrame
        A DataFrame with `d` tuple keys seperated into columns.
    d_copy = {tuple(sk.value for sk in k): d[k] for k in d if k != PREV_KEY}
    df = pd.Series(d_copy).reset_index()
    if len(d_copy.keys()) > 0:
        key_list = list(d.keys())
        subkey_list = key_list[0] if key_list[0] != PREV_KEY else key_list[1]
        cols = [sk.origin for sk in subkey_list] + ["out"]
        # set each init col to init-{next_vfunc_set}
        cols = [
            c if c != "init" else init_step(idx, cols) for idx, c in enumerate(cols)
        df = df.set_axis(cols, axis=1)
        if param_key:
            param_keys = df[
            ].tolist()  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
            if param_key == "out" and hasattr(param_keys[0], "__iter__"):
                param_df = pd.DataFrame(param_keys)
                param_df.columns = [f"{param_key}-{col}" for col in param_df.columns]
                df = df.join(param_df)
                param_loc = df.columns.get_loc(param_key)
                param_key_cols = [
                    f"{p.split('=')[0]}-{param_key}" for p in param_keys[0]
                param_keys = [[s.split("=")[1] for s in t] for t in param_keys]
                df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(param_keys)).drop(columns=param_key)
                new_cols = df.columns[: len(cols) - 1].tolist() + param_key_cols
                df = df.set_axis(new_cols, axis=1)
                new_idx = list(range(len(new_cols)))
                new_idx = (
                    + new_idx[len(cols) - 1 :]
                    + new_idx[param_loc : len(cols) - 1]
                df = df.iloc[:, new_idx]
    return df

def perturbation_stats(
    data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict],
    *group_by: str,
    wrt: str = "out",
    prefix: str = None,
    split: bool = False,
    """Compute statistics for `wrt` in `data`, conditional on `group_by`

    data: Union[pandas.DataFrame, dict]
        DataFrame, as from calling `dict_to_df` on an output dict from a Vset,
        or the output dict itself.
    *group_by: str
        Vset names in `data` to group on. If none provided, treats everything as one big
    wrt: str (optional)
        Column name in `data` or `dict_to_df(data)` on which to compute statistics.
        Defaults to `'out'`, the values of the original Vset output dict.
    func: function, str, list or dict (optional), default None
        A list of functions or function names to use for computing
        statistics, analogous to the parameter of the same name in
        pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.aggregate. If `None`, defaults to
        `['count', 'mean', 'std']`.
    prefix: str (optional), default None
        A string to prefix to new columns in output DataFrame. If `None`,
        uses the value of `wrt`.
    split: bool (optional), default False
        If `True` and `wrt` in `data` has `list` or `numpy.ndarray` entries, will
        attempt to split the entries into multiple columns for the output.

    df: pandas.DataFrame
        A DataFrame with summary statistics on `wrt`.
    if func is None:
        func = ["count", "mean", "std"]
    if prefix is None:
        prefix = wrt
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        df = dict_to_df(data)
        df = data
    group_by = list(group_by)
    if len(group_by) > 0:
        gb = df.groupby(group_by)[wrt]
        gb = df.groupby(lambda x: True)[wrt]
    if (isinstance(func, list) and "mean" in func or "std" in func) and (
        type(df[wrt].iloc[0]) in [list, np.ndarray]
        wrt_arrays = [
            np.stack(d.tolist()) for d in (gb.get_group(grp) for grp in gb.groups)
        n_cols = wrt_arrays[0].shape[1]
        df_out = pd.DataFrame(gb.agg("count"))
        df_out.columns = [f"{prefix}-count"]
        if "mean" in func:
            if split:
                col_means = [arr.mean(axis=0) for arr in wrt_arrays]
                wrt_means = pd.DataFrame(
                    columns=[f"{prefix}{i}-mean" for i in range(n_cols)],
                col_means = [{f"{prefix}-mean": arr.mean(axis=0)} for arr in wrt_arrays]
                wrt_means = pd.DataFrame(col_means, index=gb.groups.keys())
            wrt_means.index.names = df_out.index.names
            df_out = df_out.join(wrt_means)
        if "std" in func:
            if split:
                col_stds = [arr.std(axis=0, ddof=1) for arr in wrt_arrays]
                wrt_stds = pd.DataFrame(
                    columns=[f"{prefix}{i}-std" for i in range(n_cols)],
                col_stds = [
                    {f"{prefix}-std": arr.std(axis=0, ddof=1)} for arr in wrt_arrays
                wrt_stds = pd.DataFrame(col_stds, index=gb.groups.keys())
            wrt_stds.index.names = df_out.index.names
            df_out = df_out.join(wrt_stds)
        if "count" not in func:
            df_out = df_out.drop(f"{prefix}-count")
        df_out = gb.agg(func)
    df_out = df_out.reindex(sorted(df_out.columns), axis=1)
    if len(group_by) > 0:
        return df_out.sort_values(group_by[0])
    return df_out

def combine_keys(left_key, right_key):
    """Combines `left_key` and `right_key`, attempting to match on any `Subkey` where
    `vflow.subkey.Subkey.is_matching` is `True`.

    Returns an empty key on failed matches when
    `vflow.subkey.Subkey.mismatches` is `True`. Always filters on `right_key`
    and returns `combined_key` with `left_key` prefix.

    left_key: tuple
        Left tuple key to combine.
    right_key: tuple
        Right tuple key to combine.

    combined_key: tuple
        Combined tuple key filtered according to `vflow.subkey.Subkey.matches` rules,
        which is empty according to `vflow.subkey.Subkey.mismatches` rule.

    if len(left_key) < len(right_key):
        match_key = left_key
        compare_key = right_key
        match_key = right_key
        compare_key = left_key
    match_subkeys = [subkey for subkey in match_key if subkey.is_matching()]
    if len(match_subkeys) > 0:
        matched_subkeys = []
        for subkey in match_subkeys:
            for c_subkey in compare_key:
                if subkey.matches(c_subkey):
                if subkey.mismatches(c_subkey):
                    # subkeys with same origin but different values are rejected
                    return ()
        if len(matched_subkeys) > 0:
            # always filter on right key
            filtered_key = tuple(
                subkey for subkey in right_key if subkey not in matched_subkeys
            combined_key = left_key + filtered_key
            return combined_key
        return left_key + right_key
    return left_key + right_key

def combine_dicts(*args: dict, base_case=True):
    """Combines any number of dictionaries into a single dictionary. Dictionaries
    are combined left to right matching all keys according to `combine_keys`

    *args: dict
        Dictionaries to recursively combine left to right.

    combined_dict: dict
        Combined dictionary.
    n_args = len(args)
    combined_dict = {}
    if n_args == 0:
        return combined_dict
    if n_args == 1:
        for k in args[0]:
            # wrap the dict values in tuples; this is helpful so that when we
            # pass the values to a vfunc fun in we can just use * expansion
            if k != PREV_KEY:
                combined_dict[k] = (args[0][k],)
                combined_dict[k] = args[0][k]
        return combined_dict
    if n_args == 2:
        for k0 in args[0]:
            for k1 in args[1]:
                if PREV_KEY in (k0, k1):

                combined_key = combine_keys(k0, k1)

                if len(combined_key) > 0:
                    if base_case:
                        combined_dict[combined_key] = (args[0][k0], args[1][k1])
                        combined_dict[combined_key] = args[0][k0] + (args[1][k1],)

        return combined_dict
    # combine the first two dicts and call recursively with remaining args
    return combine_dicts(combine_dicts(args[0], args[1]), *args[2:], base_case=False)

def apply_vfuncs(vfuncs: dict, data_dict: dict, lazy: bool = False):
    """Apply a dictionary of functions `vfuncs` to each item of `data_dict`,
    optionally returning a dictionary of `vflow.vfunc.VfuncPromise` objects if `lazy` is True

    Output keys are determined by applying `combine_keys` to each pair of items from
    `vfuncs` and `data_dict`. This function is used by all Vsets to apply functions.

    vfuncs: dict
        Dictionary of functions to apply to `data_dict`.
    data_dict: dict
        Dictionary of parameters to call each function in `vfuncs`.
    lazy: bool (option), default False
        If True, `vfuncs` are applied lazily, returning `vflow.vfunc.VfuncPromise`

    out_dict: dict
        Output dictionary of applying `vfuncs` to `data_dict`.
    out_dict = {}
    for vf_k in vfuncs:
        if len(data_dict) == 0:
            func = deepcopy(vfuncs[vf_k])
            if lazy:
                out_dict[vf_k] = VfuncPromise(func)
                out_dict[vf_k] = func()
        for data_k in data_dict:
            if PREV_KEY in (vf_k, data_k):

            combined_key = combine_keys(data_k, vf_k)

            if not len(combined_key) > 0:

            func = deepcopy(vfuncs[vf_k])
            if lazy:
                # return a promise
                out_dict[combined_key] = VfuncPromise(func, *data_dict[data_k])
                data_list = list(data_dict[data_k])
                for i, data in enumerate(data_list):
                    if isinstance(data, VfuncPromise):
                        data_list[i] = data()
                    if isinstance(func, RayRemoteFun) and not isinstance(
                        data_list[i], ray.ObjectRef
                        # send data to Ray's remote object store
                        data_list[i] = ray.put(data_list[i])
                    elif isinstance(data_list[i], ray.ObjectRef):
                        # this is not a remote function so get the data
                        data_list[i] = ray.get(data_list[i])
                out_dict[combined_key] = func(*data_list)

    return out_dict


def apply_vfuncs(vfuncs: dict, data_dict: dict, lazy: bool = False)

Apply a dictionary of functions vfuncs to each item of data_dict, optionally returning a dictionary of VfuncPromise objects if lazy is True

Output keys are determined by applying combine_keys() to each pair of items from vfuncs and data_dict. This function is used by all Vsets to apply functions.


vfuncs : dict
Dictionary of functions to apply to data_dict.
data_dict : dict
Dictionary of parameters to call each function in vfuncs.
lazy : bool (option), default False
If True, vfuncs are applied lazily, returning VfuncPromise objects,


out_dict : dict
Output dictionary of applying vfuncs to data_dict.
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def apply_vfuncs(vfuncs: dict, data_dict: dict, lazy: bool = False):
    """Apply a dictionary of functions `vfuncs` to each item of `data_dict`,
    optionally returning a dictionary of `vflow.vfunc.VfuncPromise` objects if `lazy` is True

    Output keys are determined by applying `combine_keys` to each pair of items from
    `vfuncs` and `data_dict`. This function is used by all Vsets to apply functions.

    vfuncs: dict
        Dictionary of functions to apply to `data_dict`.
    data_dict: dict
        Dictionary of parameters to call each function in `vfuncs`.
    lazy: bool (option), default False
        If True, `vfuncs` are applied lazily, returning `vflow.vfunc.VfuncPromise`

    out_dict: dict
        Output dictionary of applying `vfuncs` to `data_dict`.
    out_dict = {}
    for vf_k in vfuncs:
        if len(data_dict) == 0:
            func = deepcopy(vfuncs[vf_k])
            if lazy:
                out_dict[vf_k] = VfuncPromise(func)
                out_dict[vf_k] = func()
        for data_k in data_dict:
            if PREV_KEY in (vf_k, data_k):

            combined_key = combine_keys(data_k, vf_k)

            if not len(combined_key) > 0:

            func = deepcopy(vfuncs[vf_k])
            if lazy:
                # return a promise
                out_dict[combined_key] = VfuncPromise(func, *data_dict[data_k])
                data_list = list(data_dict[data_k])
                for i, data in enumerate(data_list):
                    if isinstance(data, VfuncPromise):
                        data_list[i] = data()
                    if isinstance(func, RayRemoteFun) and not isinstance(
                        data_list[i], ray.ObjectRef
                        # send data to Ray's remote object store
                        data_list[i] = ray.put(data_list[i])
                    elif isinstance(data_list[i], ray.ObjectRef):
                        # this is not a remote function so get the data
                        data_list[i] = ray.get(data_list[i])
                out_dict[combined_key] = func(*data_list)

    return out_dict
def base_dict(d: dict)

Remove PREV_KEY from dict d if present

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def base_dict(d: dict):
    """Remove PREV_KEY from dict d if present"""
    return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != PREV_KEY}
def combine_dicts(*args: dict, base_case=True)

Combines any number of dictionaries into a single dictionary. Dictionaries are combined left to right matching all keys according to combine_keys()


*args : dict
Dictionaries to recursively combine left to right.


combined_dict : dict
Combined dictionary.
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def combine_dicts(*args: dict, base_case=True):
    """Combines any number of dictionaries into a single dictionary. Dictionaries
    are combined left to right matching all keys according to `combine_keys`

    *args: dict
        Dictionaries to recursively combine left to right.

    combined_dict: dict
        Combined dictionary.
    n_args = len(args)
    combined_dict = {}
    if n_args == 0:
        return combined_dict
    if n_args == 1:
        for k in args[0]:
            # wrap the dict values in tuples; this is helpful so that when we
            # pass the values to a vfunc fun in we can just use * expansion
            if k != PREV_KEY:
                combined_dict[k] = (args[0][k],)
                combined_dict[k] = args[0][k]
        return combined_dict
    if n_args == 2:
        for k0 in args[0]:
            for k1 in args[1]:
                if PREV_KEY in (k0, k1):

                combined_key = combine_keys(k0, k1)

                if len(combined_key) > 0:
                    if base_case:
                        combined_dict[combined_key] = (args[0][k0], args[1][k1])
                        combined_dict[combined_key] = args[0][k0] + (args[1][k1],)

        return combined_dict
    # combine the first two dicts and call recursively with remaining args
    return combine_dicts(combine_dicts(args[0], args[1]), *args[2:], base_case=False)
def combine_keys(left_key, right_key)

Combines left_key and right_key, attempting to match on any Subkey where Subkey.is_matching() is True.

Returns an empty key on failed matches when Subkey.mismatches() is True. Always filters on right_key and returns combined_key with left_key prefix.


left_key : tuple
Left tuple key to combine.
right_key : tuple
Right tuple key to combine.


combined_key : tuple
Combined tuple key filtered according to Subkey.matches() rules, which is empty according to Subkey.mismatches() rule.
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def combine_keys(left_key, right_key):
    """Combines `left_key` and `right_key`, attempting to match on any `Subkey` where
    `vflow.subkey.Subkey.is_matching` is `True`.

    Returns an empty key on failed matches when
    `vflow.subkey.Subkey.mismatches` is `True`. Always filters on `right_key`
    and returns `combined_key` with `left_key` prefix.

    left_key: tuple
        Left tuple key to combine.
    right_key: tuple
        Right tuple key to combine.

    combined_key: tuple
        Combined tuple key filtered according to `vflow.subkey.Subkey.matches` rules,
        which is empty according to `vflow.subkey.Subkey.mismatches` rule.

    if len(left_key) < len(right_key):
        match_key = left_key
        compare_key = right_key
        match_key = right_key
        compare_key = left_key
    match_subkeys = [subkey for subkey in match_key if subkey.is_matching()]
    if len(match_subkeys) > 0:
        matched_subkeys = []
        for subkey in match_subkeys:
            for c_subkey in compare_key:
                if subkey.matches(c_subkey):
                if subkey.mismatches(c_subkey):
                    # subkeys with same origin but different values are rejected
                    return ()
        if len(matched_subkeys) > 0:
            # always filter on right key
            filtered_key = tuple(
                subkey for subkey in right_key if subkey not in matched_subkeys
            combined_key = left_key + filtered_key
            return combined_key
        return left_key + right_key
    return left_key + right_key
def dict_data(d: dict)

Returns a list containing all data in dict d

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def dict_data(d: dict):
    """Returns a list containing all data in dict d"""
    return list(base_dict(d).values())
def dict_keys(d: dict)

Returns a list containing all keys in dict d

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def dict_keys(d: dict):
    """Returns a list containing all keys in dict d"""
    return list(base_dict(d).keys())
def dict_to_df(d: dict, param_key=None)

Converts a dictionary with tuple keys into a pandas DataFrame, optionally seperating parameters in param_key if not None


d : dict
Output dictionary with tuple keys from a Vset.
param_key : str (optional), default None
Name of parameter to seperate into multiple columns.


df : pandas.DataFrame
A DataFrame with d tuple keys seperated into columns.
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def dict_to_df(d: dict, param_key=None):
    """Converts a dictionary with tuple keys
    into a pandas DataFrame, optionally seperating
    parameters in `param_key` if not None

    d: dict
        Output dictionary with tuple keys from a Vset.
    param_key: str (optional), default None
        Name of parameter to seperate into multiple columns.

    df: pandas.DataFrame
        A DataFrame with `d` tuple keys seperated into columns.
    d_copy = {tuple(sk.value for sk in k): d[k] for k in d if k != PREV_KEY}
    df = pd.Series(d_copy).reset_index()
    if len(d_copy.keys()) > 0:
        key_list = list(d.keys())
        subkey_list = key_list[0] if key_list[0] != PREV_KEY else key_list[1]
        cols = [sk.origin for sk in subkey_list] + ["out"]
        # set each init col to init-{next_vfunc_set}
        cols = [
            c if c != "init" else init_step(idx, cols) for idx, c in enumerate(cols)
        df = df.set_axis(cols, axis=1)
        if param_key:
            param_keys = df[
            ].tolist()  # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
            if param_key == "out" and hasattr(param_keys[0], "__iter__"):
                param_df = pd.DataFrame(param_keys)
                param_df.columns = [f"{param_key}-{col}" for col in param_df.columns]
                df = df.join(param_df)
                param_loc = df.columns.get_loc(param_key)
                param_key_cols = [
                    f"{p.split('=')[0]}-{param_key}" for p in param_keys[0]
                param_keys = [[s.split("=")[1] for s in t] for t in param_keys]
                df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(param_keys)).drop(columns=param_key)
                new_cols = df.columns[: len(cols) - 1].tolist() + param_key_cols
                df = df.set_axis(new_cols, axis=1)
                new_idx = list(range(len(new_cols)))
                new_idx = (
                    + new_idx[len(cols) - 1 :]
                    + new_idx[param_loc : len(cols) - 1]
                df = df.iloc[:, new_idx]
    return df
def init_step(idx, cols)

Helper function to find init suffix in a column


idx : int
Index of 'init' column in cols.
cols : list[str]
List of column names.
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def init_step(idx, cols):
    """Helper function to find init suffix
    in a column

    idx: int
        Index of 'init' column in cols.
    cols: list[str]
        List of column names.
    for i in range(idx, len(cols)):
        if cols[i] != "init":
            return "init-" + cols[i]
    return None
def perturbation_stats(data: Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, dict], *group_by: str, wrt: str = 'out', func=None, prefix: str = None, split: bool = False)

Compute statistics for wrt in data, conditional on group_by


data : Union[pandas.DataFrame, dict]
DataFrame, as from calling dict_to_df() on an output dict from a Vset, or the output dict itself.
*group_by : str
Vset names in data to group on. If none provided, treats everything as one big group.
wrt : str (optional)
Column name in data or dict_to_df()(data) on which to compute statistics. Defaults to 'out', the values of the original Vset output dict.
func : function, str, list or dict (optional), default None
A list of functions or function names to use for computing statistics, analogous to the parameter of the same name in pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.aggregate. If None, defaults to ['count', 'mean', 'std'].
prefix : str (optional), default None
A string to prefix to new columns in output DataFrame. If None, uses the value of wrt.
split : bool (optional), default False
If True and wrt in data has list or numpy.ndarray entries, will attempt to split the entries into multiple columns for the output.


df : pandas.DataFrame
A DataFrame with summary statistics on wrt.
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def perturbation_stats(
    data: Union[pd.DataFrame, dict],
    *group_by: str,
    wrt: str = "out",
    prefix: str = None,
    split: bool = False,
    """Compute statistics for `wrt` in `data`, conditional on `group_by`

    data: Union[pandas.DataFrame, dict]
        DataFrame, as from calling `dict_to_df` on an output dict from a Vset,
        or the output dict itself.
    *group_by: str
        Vset names in `data` to group on. If none provided, treats everything as one big
    wrt: str (optional)
        Column name in `data` or `dict_to_df(data)` on which to compute statistics.
        Defaults to `'out'`, the values of the original Vset output dict.
    func: function, str, list or dict (optional), default None
        A list of functions or function names to use for computing
        statistics, analogous to the parameter of the same name in
        pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy.aggregate. If `None`, defaults to
        `['count', 'mean', 'std']`.
    prefix: str (optional), default None
        A string to prefix to new columns in output DataFrame. If `None`,
        uses the value of `wrt`.
    split: bool (optional), default False
        If `True` and `wrt` in `data` has `list` or `numpy.ndarray` entries, will
        attempt to split the entries into multiple columns for the output.

    df: pandas.DataFrame
        A DataFrame with summary statistics on `wrt`.
    if func is None:
        func = ["count", "mean", "std"]
    if prefix is None:
        prefix = wrt
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        df = dict_to_df(data)
        df = data
    group_by = list(group_by)
    if len(group_by) > 0:
        gb = df.groupby(group_by)[wrt]
        gb = df.groupby(lambda x: True)[wrt]
    if (isinstance(func, list) and "mean" in func or "std" in func) and (
        type(df[wrt].iloc[0]) in [list, np.ndarray]
        wrt_arrays = [
            np.stack(d.tolist()) for d in (gb.get_group(grp) for grp in gb.groups)
        n_cols = wrt_arrays[0].shape[1]
        df_out = pd.DataFrame(gb.agg("count"))
        df_out.columns = [f"{prefix}-count"]
        if "mean" in func:
            if split:
                col_means = [arr.mean(axis=0) for arr in wrt_arrays]
                wrt_means = pd.DataFrame(
                    columns=[f"{prefix}{i}-mean" for i in range(n_cols)],
                col_means = [{f"{prefix}-mean": arr.mean(axis=0)} for arr in wrt_arrays]
                wrt_means = pd.DataFrame(col_means, index=gb.groups.keys())
            wrt_means.index.names = df_out.index.names
            df_out = df_out.join(wrt_means)
        if "std" in func:
            if split:
                col_stds = [arr.std(axis=0, ddof=1) for arr in wrt_arrays]
                wrt_stds = pd.DataFrame(
                    columns=[f"{prefix}{i}-std" for i in range(n_cols)],
                col_stds = [
                    {f"{prefix}-std": arr.std(axis=0, ddof=1)} for arr in wrt_arrays
                wrt_stds = pd.DataFrame(col_stds, index=gb.groups.keys())
            wrt_stds.index.names = df_out.index.names
            df_out = df_out.join(wrt_stds)
        if "count" not in func:
            df_out = df_out.drop(f"{prefix}-count")
        df_out = gb.agg(func)
    df_out = df_out.reindex(sorted(df_out.columns), axis=1)
    if len(group_by) > 0:
        return df_out.sort_values(group_by[0])
    return df_out
def sep_dicts(d: dict, n_out: int = 1, keys=None)

Converts dictionary with value being saved as an iterable into multiple dictionaries

Assumes every value has same length n_out


d : dict
Dictionary with iterable values to be converted.
n_out : int, default 1
The number of dictionaries to separate d into.
keys : list-like, default None
Optional list of keys to use in output dicts.


sep_dicts_list : list
List of seperated dictionaries.


>>> sep_dicts({k1: (x1, y1), k2: (x2, y2), ...,  '__prev__': p})
[{k1: x1, k2: x2, ..., '__prev__': p}, {k1: y1, k2: y2, ..., '__prev__': p}]
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def sep_dicts(d: dict, n_out: int = 1, keys=None):
    """Converts dictionary with value being saved as an iterable into multiple dictionaries

    Assumes every value has same length n_out

    d: dict
        Dictionary with iterable values to be converted.
    n_out: int, default 1
        The number of dictionaries to separate d into.
    keys: list-like, default None
        Optional list of keys to use in output dicts.

    sep_dicts_list: list
        List of seperated dictionaries.

    >>> sep_dicts({k1: (x1, y1), k2: (x2, y2), ...,  '__prev__': p})
    [{k1: x1, k2: x2, ..., '__prev__': p}, {k1: y1, k2: y2, ..., '__prev__': p}]
    if keys is None:
        keys = []
    if len(keys) > 0 and len(keys) != n_out:
        raise ValueError(f"keys should be empty or have length n_out={n_out}")
    # empty dict -- return empty dict
    if n_out <= 1:
        return d
    # try separating dict into multiple dicts
    sep_dicts_id = str(uuid4())  # w/ high prob, uuid4 is unique
    sep_dicts_list = [{} for _ in range(n_out)]
    for key, value in d.items():
        if key != PREV_KEY:
            for i in range(n_out):
                # assumes the correct sub-key for item i is in the i-th position
                if len(keys) == 0:
                    new_key = (key[i],) + key[n_out:]
                    new_sub = Subkey(
                        value=keys[i], origin=key[-1].origin + "-" + str(i)
                    new_key = (new_sub,) + key
                new_key[-1].sep_dicts_id = sep_dicts_id
                if isinstance(value, VfuncPromise):
                    # return a promise to get the value at index i of the
                    # original promise
                    value_i = VfuncPromise(lambda v, x: v[x], value, i)
                    value_i = value[i]
                sep_dicts_list[i][new_key] = value_i

    return sep_dicts_list
def to_list(tup: tuple)

Convert from tuple to packed list

Allows us to call function with arguments in a loop


tup : tuple
tuple of objects to convert to packed list


If passed uneven number of arguments without a list. Please wrap your args in a list.


>>> to_list(([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]))
[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
>>> to_list(([x1], [y1]))
[[x1, y1]]
>>> to_list(([x1, x2, x3], ))
[[x1], [x2], [x3]]
>>> to_list((x1, ))
>>> to_list((x1, y1))
[[x1, y1]]
>>> to_list((x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3))
[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
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def to_list(tup: tuple):
    """Convert from tuple to packed list

    Allows us to call function with arguments in a loop

    tup: tuple
        tuple of objects to convert to packed list

        If passed uneven number of arguments without a list. Please wrap your args in a list.

    >>> to_list(([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3]))
    [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
    >>> to_list(([x1], [y1]))
    [[x1, y1]]
    >>> to_list(([x1, x2, x3], ))
    [[x1], [x2], [x3]]
    >>> to_list((x1, ))
    >>> to_list((x1, y1))
    [[x1, y1]]
    >>> to_list((x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3))
    [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]]
    n_tup = len(tup)
    if n_tup == 0:
        return []
    if not isinstance(tup[0], list):
        # the first element is data
        if n_tup == 1:
            return [list(tup)]
        if n_tup % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Don't know how to handle uneven number of args "
                "without a list. Please wrap your args in a list."
        # assume first half of args is input and second half is outcome
        return [list(el) for el in zip(tup[: (n_tup // 2)], tup[(n_tup // 2) :])]
    if n_tup == 1:
        return [[x] for x in tup[0]]
    n_mods = len(tup[0])
    lists_packed = [[] for _ in range(n_mods)]
    for i in range(n_mods):
        for j in range(n_tup):
    return lists_packed
def to_tuple(lists: list)

Convert from lists to unpacked tuple

Allows us to write X, y = to_tuple([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])


lists : list
list of objects to convert to unpacked tuple


>>> to_tuple([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])
([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
>>> to_tuple([[x1, y1]])
([x1], [y1])
>>> to_tuple([m1, m2, m3])
[m1, m2, m3]
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def to_tuple(lists: list):
    """Convert from lists to unpacked tuple

    Allows us to write `X, y = to_tuple([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])`

    lists: list
        list of objects to convert to unpacked tuple

    >>> to_tuple([[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3]])
    ([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
    >>> to_tuple([[x1, y1]])
    ([x1], [y1])
    >>> to_tuple([m1, m2, m3])
    [m1, m2, m3]
    n_mods = len(lists)
    if n_mods <= 1:
        return lists
    if not isinstance(lists[0], list):
        return lists
    n_tup = len(lists[0])
    tup = [[] for _ in range(n_tup)]
    for i in range(n_mods):
        for j in range(n_tup):
    return tuple(tup)