Set of vfuncs to be parallelized over in a pipeline. Function arguments are each a list

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"""Set of vfuncs to be parallelized over in a pipeline.
Function arguments are each a list

from copy import deepcopy

import joblib
import numpy as np
import ray
from mlflow.tracking import MlflowClient

from vflow.subkey import Subkey
from vflow.utils import (
from vflow.vfunc import AsyncVfunc, Vfunc

FILTER_PREV_KEY = "__filter_prev__"

class Vset:
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        vfunc_keys: list = None,
        is_async: bool = False,
        output_matching: bool = False,
        lazy: bool = False,
        cache_dir: str = None,
        tracking_dir: str = None,
        name: str
            Name of this Vset.
        vfuncs: list or dict
            Dictionary of functions that we want to associate with
        vfunc_keys: list (optional)
            List of names corresponding to each vfunc
        is_async: bool (optional)
            If True, `vfuncs` are computed asynchronously
        output_matching: bool (optional)
            If True, then output keys from this Vset will be matched when used
            in other Vsets
        lazy: bool (optional)
            If True, then vfuncs are evaluated lazily, i.e. outputs are `vset.vfunc.VfuncPromise`
        cache_dir: str (optional)
            If provided, do caching and use `cache_dir` as the data store for
        tracking_dir: str (optional)
            If provided, use the `mlflow.tracking` api to log outputs as metrics
            with params determined by input keys.

        """ = name
        self._fitted = False
        self.fitted_vfuncs = None  # outputs
        self._async = is_async
        self._output_matching = output_matching
        self._lazy = lazy
        self._cache_dir = cache_dir
        self._memory = joblib.Memory(self._cache_dir)
        if tracking_dir is not None:
            self._mlflow = MlflowClient(tracking_uri=tracking_dir)
            experiment = self._mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(
            if experiment is None:
                self._exp_id = self._mlflow.create_experiment(
                self._exp_id = experiment.experiment_id
            self._mlflow = None
        # check if any of the vfuncs are AsyncVfuncs
        # if so, we'll make then all AsyncVfuncs later on
        if not self._async and np.any([isinstance(vf, AsyncVfunc) for vf in vfuncs]):
            self._async = True
        if isinstance(vfuncs, dict):
            self.vfuncs = vfuncs
        elif isinstance(vfuncs, list):
            if vfunc_keys is not None:
                assert isinstance(
                    vfunc_keys, list
                ), "vfuncs passed as list but vfunc_keys is not a list"
                assert len(vfuncs) == len(
                ), "vfuncs list and vfunc_keys list do not have the same length"
                # TODO: how best to handle tuple subkeys?
                vfunc_keys = [(self.__create_subkey(k),) for k in vfunc_keys]
                vfunc_keys = [
                    (self.__create_subkey(f"{name}_{i}"),) for i in range(len(vfuncs))
            # convert vfunc keys to singleton tuples
            self.vfuncs = dict(zip(vfunc_keys, vfuncs))
        # if needed, wrap the vfuncs in the Vfunc or AsyncVfunc class
        for k, v in self.vfuncs.items():
            if self._async:
                if not isinstance(v, AsyncVfunc):
                    self.vfuncs[k] = AsyncVfunc(k[0], v)
            elif not isinstance(v, Vfunc):
                self.vfuncs[k] = Vfunc(k[0], v)

    def _apply_func(self, *args, out_dict: dict = None):
        """Apply functions in out_dict to combined args dict

        Optionally logs output Subkeys and values as params and metrics using
        `mlflow.tracking` if this Vset has a `_tracking_dir`.

        *args: dict
            Takes multiple dicts and combines them into one.
            Then runs vfuncs on each item in combined dict.
        out_dict: dict (optional), default None
            The dictionary to pass to the matching function. If None, defaults to self.vfuncs.

        out_dict: dict
            Dictionary with items being determined by functions in vfunc set.
            Functions and input dictionaries are currently matched using a cartesian matching format.

        >>> vfuncs, data = {LR : logistic}, {train_1 : [X1,y1], train2 : [X2,y2]}
        {(train_1, LR) : fitted logistic, (train_2, LR) :  fitted logistic}
        if out_dict is None:
            out_dict = deepcopy(self.vfuncs)

        apply_func_cached = self._memory.cache(_apply_func_cached)
        out_dict = apply_func_cached(out_dict, self._async, self._lazy, *args)

        prev = tuple()
        for arg in args:
            if PREV_KEY in arg:
                prev += (arg[PREV_KEY],)
        out_dict[PREV_KEY] = (self,) + prev

        if self._mlflow is not None:
            run_dict = {}
            # log subkeys as params and value as metric
            for k, v in out_dict.items():
                if k == PREV_KEY:
                origins = np.array([subk.origin for subk in k])
                # ignore init origins and the last origin (this Vset)
                param_idx = [i for i in range(len(k[:-1])) if origins[i] != "init"]
                # get or create mlflow run
                run_dict_key = tuple(subk.value for subk in k[:-1])
                if run_dict_key in run_dict:
                    run_id = run_dict[run_dict_key]
                    run = self._mlflow.create_run(self._exp_id)
                    run_id =
                    run_dict[run_dict_key] = run_id
                    # log params
                    for idx in param_idx:
                        subkey = k[idx]
                        param_name = subkey.origin
                        # check if the origin occurs multiple times
                        if np.sum(origins == param_name) > 1:
                            occurence = np.sum(origins[:idx] == param_name)
                            param_name = param_name + str(occurence)
                            self._mlflow.log_param(run_id, param_name, subkey.value)
                self._mlflow.log_metric(run_id, k[-1].value, v)
        return out_dict

    def fit(self, *args):
        """Fits to args using `_apply_func`"""
        out_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.vfuncs.items():
            out_dict[k] =
        self.fitted_vfuncs = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=out_dict)
        prev = self.fitted_vfuncs[PREV_KEY][1:]
        if hasattr(self, FILTER_PREV_KEY):
            prev = getattr(self, FILTER_PREV_KEY) + prev
        setattr(self, PREV_KEY, prev)
        self._fitted = True
        return self

    def fit_transform(self, *args):
        """Fits to args and transforms only the first arg."""

    def transform(self, *args):
        """Transforms args using `_apply_func`"""
        if not self._fitted:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Please fit the Vset object before calling the transform method."
        out_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
            if hasattr(v, "transform"):
                out_dict[k] = v.transform
        return self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=out_dict)

    def predict(self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None):
        """Predicts args using `_apply_func`"""
        if not self._fitted:
            raise AttributeError("Please fit the Vset object before calling predict.")
        pred_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
            if hasattr(v, "predict"):
                pred_dict[k] = v.predict
        preds = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=pred_dict)
        if with_uncertainty:
            return prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by)
        return preds

    def predict_proba(
        self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None
        """Calls predict_proba on args using `_apply_func`"""
        if not self._fitted:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Please fit the Vset object before calling predict_proba."
        pred_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
            if hasattr(v, "predict_proba"):
                pred_dict[k] = v.predict_proba
        preds = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=pred_dict)
        if with_uncertainty:
            return prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by)
        return preds

    def evaluate(self, *args):
        """Combines dicts before calling `_apply_func`"""
        return self._apply_func(*args)

    def __call__(self, *args, n_out: int = None, keys=None, **kwargs):
        """Call args using `_apply_func`, optionally seperating
        output dictionary into `n_out` dictionaries with `keys`
        if keys is None:
            keys = []
        if n_out is None:
            n_out = len(args)
        out_dict = self._apply_func(*args)
        if n_out == 1:
            return out_dict
        out_dicts = sep_dicts(out_dict, n_out=n_out, keys=keys)
        # add back prev
        prev = out_dict[PREV_KEY]
        for i in range(n_out):
            if n_out == len(args):
                out_dicts[i][PREV_KEY] = (prev[0],) + (prev[i + 1],)
                out_dicts[i][PREV_KEY] = prev
        return out_dicts

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Accesses ith item in the vfunc set"""
        return self.vfuncs[i]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        """Returns true if vfuncs is a dict and key is one of its keys"""
        if isinstance(self.vfuncs, dict):
            return key in self.vfuncs.keys()
        return False

    def keys(self):
        """Returns Vset vfunc keys"""
        if isinstance(self.vfuncs, dict):
            return self.vfuncs.keys()
        return {}.keys()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.vfuncs)

    def __str__(self):
        return "Vset(" + + ")"

    def __create_subkey(self, value):
        """Helper function to construct `Subkey` with
        this Vset determining origin and output_matching
        return Subkey(value,, self._output_matching)

def _apply_func_cached(out_dict: dict, is_async: bool, lazy: bool, *args):
    *args: dict
        Takes multiple dicts and combines them into one.
        Then runs vfuncs on each item in combined dict.
    out_dict: dict
        The dictionary to pass to the matching function.
    is_async: bool
        If True, outputs are computed asynchronously.
    lazy: bool
        If True, outputs are evaluated lazily, i.e. outputs are `VfuncPromise`.

    out_dict: dict
        Dictionary with items being determined by functions in vfunc set.
        Functions and input dictionaries are currently matched using cartesian matching format.
    for in_dict in args:
        if not isinstance(in_dict, dict):
            raise Exception(
                "Run init_args on data before using it when calling a Vset!"

    data_dict = combine_dicts(*args)
    out_dict = apply_vfuncs(out_dict, data_dict, lazy)

    if is_async and not lazy:
        out_keys = list(out_dict.keys())
        out_vals = list(out_dict.values())
        if isinstance(out_vals[0], ray.ObjectRef):
            out_vals = ray.get(out_vals)
        out_dict = dict(zip(out_keys, out_vals))

    return out_dict

def prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by: list = None):
    """Returns the mean and std predictions conditional on group_by

        predictions as returned by Vset.predict or Vset.predict_proba
    group_by: list (optional), default None
        list of groups to compute statistics upon

    TODO: Wrap output dicts in dict wrapper::XXX
          Wrap subkeys in Subkey
          Fix default group_by when averaging over all predictions
    preds_df = dict_to_df(preds)
    if group_by is None:
        # just average over all predictions
        preds_stats = perturbation_stats(preds_df)
        group_by = ["index"]
        preds_stats = perturbation_stats(preds_df, *group_by)
    origins = preds_stats[group_by].columns
    keys = preds_stats[group_by].to_numpy()
    # wrap subkey values in Subkey
    keys = [tuple(Subkey(sk, origins[idx]) for idx, sk in enumerate(x)) for x in keys]
    mean_dict = dict(zip(keys, preds_stats["out-mean"]))
    std_dict = dict(zip(keys, preds_stats["out-std"]))
    # add PREV_KEY to out dicts
    mean_dict[PREV_KEY] = preds[PREV_KEY]
    std_dict[PREV_KEY] = preds[PREV_KEY]
    return mean_dict, std_dict, preds_stats


def prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by: list = None)

Returns the mean and std predictions conditional on group_by


preds predictions as returned by Vset.predict or Vset.predict_proba group_by: list (optional), default None list of groups to compute statistics upon

TODO: Wrap output dicts in dict wrapper::XXX Wrap subkeys in Subkey Fix default group_by when averaging over all predictions

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def prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by: list = None):
    """Returns the mean and std predictions conditional on group_by

        predictions as returned by Vset.predict or Vset.predict_proba
    group_by: list (optional), default None
        list of groups to compute statistics upon

    TODO: Wrap output dicts in dict wrapper::XXX
          Wrap subkeys in Subkey
          Fix default group_by when averaging over all predictions
    preds_df = dict_to_df(preds)
    if group_by is None:
        # just average over all predictions
        preds_stats = perturbation_stats(preds_df)
        group_by = ["index"]
        preds_stats = perturbation_stats(preds_df, *group_by)
    origins = preds_stats[group_by].columns
    keys = preds_stats[group_by].to_numpy()
    # wrap subkey values in Subkey
    keys = [tuple(Subkey(sk, origins[idx]) for idx, sk in enumerate(x)) for x in keys]
    mean_dict = dict(zip(keys, preds_stats["out-mean"]))
    std_dict = dict(zip(keys, preds_stats["out-std"]))
    # add PREV_KEY to out dicts
    mean_dict[PREV_KEY] = preds[PREV_KEY]
    std_dict[PREV_KEY] = preds[PREV_KEY]
    return mean_dict, std_dict, preds_stats


class Vset (name: str, vfuncs, vfunc_keys: list = None, is_async: bool = False, output_matching: bool = False, lazy: bool = False, cache_dir: str = None, tracking_dir: str = None)


name : str
Name of this Vset.
vfuncs : list or dict
Dictionary of functions that we want to associate with
vfunc_keys : list (optional)
List of names corresponding to each vfunc
is_async : bool (optional)
If True, vfuncs are computed asynchronously
output_matching : bool (optional)
If True, then output keys from this Vset will be matched when used in other Vsets
lazy : bool (optional)
If True, then vfuncs are evaluated lazily, i.e. outputs are vset.vfunc.VfuncPromise
cache_dir : str (optional)
If provided, do caching and use cache_dir as the data store for joblib.Memory.
tracking_dir : str (optional)
If provided, use the mlflow.tracking api to log outputs as metrics with params determined by input keys.
Expand source code
class Vset:
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        vfunc_keys: list = None,
        is_async: bool = False,
        output_matching: bool = False,
        lazy: bool = False,
        cache_dir: str = None,
        tracking_dir: str = None,
        name: str
            Name of this Vset.
        vfuncs: list or dict
            Dictionary of functions that we want to associate with
        vfunc_keys: list (optional)
            List of names corresponding to each vfunc
        is_async: bool (optional)
            If True, `vfuncs` are computed asynchronously
        output_matching: bool (optional)
            If True, then output keys from this Vset will be matched when used
            in other Vsets
        lazy: bool (optional)
            If True, then vfuncs are evaluated lazily, i.e. outputs are `vset.vfunc.VfuncPromise`
        cache_dir: str (optional)
            If provided, do caching and use `cache_dir` as the data store for
        tracking_dir: str (optional)
            If provided, use the `mlflow.tracking` api to log outputs as metrics
            with params determined by input keys.

        """ = name
        self._fitted = False
        self.fitted_vfuncs = None  # outputs
        self._async = is_async
        self._output_matching = output_matching
        self._lazy = lazy
        self._cache_dir = cache_dir
        self._memory = joblib.Memory(self._cache_dir)
        if tracking_dir is not None:
            self._mlflow = MlflowClient(tracking_uri=tracking_dir)
            experiment = self._mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(
            if experiment is None:
                self._exp_id = self._mlflow.create_experiment(
                self._exp_id = experiment.experiment_id
            self._mlflow = None
        # check if any of the vfuncs are AsyncVfuncs
        # if so, we'll make then all AsyncVfuncs later on
        if not self._async and np.any([isinstance(vf, AsyncVfunc) for vf in vfuncs]):
            self._async = True
        if isinstance(vfuncs, dict):
            self.vfuncs = vfuncs
        elif isinstance(vfuncs, list):
            if vfunc_keys is not None:
                assert isinstance(
                    vfunc_keys, list
                ), "vfuncs passed as list but vfunc_keys is not a list"
                assert len(vfuncs) == len(
                ), "vfuncs list and vfunc_keys list do not have the same length"
                # TODO: how best to handle tuple subkeys?
                vfunc_keys = [(self.__create_subkey(k),) for k in vfunc_keys]
                vfunc_keys = [
                    (self.__create_subkey(f"{name}_{i}"),) for i in range(len(vfuncs))
            # convert vfunc keys to singleton tuples
            self.vfuncs = dict(zip(vfunc_keys, vfuncs))
        # if needed, wrap the vfuncs in the Vfunc or AsyncVfunc class
        for k, v in self.vfuncs.items():
            if self._async:
                if not isinstance(v, AsyncVfunc):
                    self.vfuncs[k] = AsyncVfunc(k[0], v)
            elif not isinstance(v, Vfunc):
                self.vfuncs[k] = Vfunc(k[0], v)

    def _apply_func(self, *args, out_dict: dict = None):
        """Apply functions in out_dict to combined args dict

        Optionally logs output Subkeys and values as params and metrics using
        `mlflow.tracking` if this Vset has a `_tracking_dir`.

        *args: dict
            Takes multiple dicts and combines them into one.
            Then runs vfuncs on each item in combined dict.
        out_dict: dict (optional), default None
            The dictionary to pass to the matching function. If None, defaults to self.vfuncs.

        out_dict: dict
            Dictionary with items being determined by functions in vfunc set.
            Functions and input dictionaries are currently matched using a cartesian matching format.

        >>> vfuncs, data = {LR : logistic}, {train_1 : [X1,y1], train2 : [X2,y2]}
        {(train_1, LR) : fitted logistic, (train_2, LR) :  fitted logistic}
        if out_dict is None:
            out_dict = deepcopy(self.vfuncs)

        apply_func_cached = self._memory.cache(_apply_func_cached)
        out_dict = apply_func_cached(out_dict, self._async, self._lazy, *args)

        prev = tuple()
        for arg in args:
            if PREV_KEY in arg:
                prev += (arg[PREV_KEY],)
        out_dict[PREV_KEY] = (self,) + prev

        if self._mlflow is not None:
            run_dict = {}
            # log subkeys as params and value as metric
            for k, v in out_dict.items():
                if k == PREV_KEY:
                origins = np.array([subk.origin for subk in k])
                # ignore init origins and the last origin (this Vset)
                param_idx = [i for i in range(len(k[:-1])) if origins[i] != "init"]
                # get or create mlflow run
                run_dict_key = tuple(subk.value for subk in k[:-1])
                if run_dict_key in run_dict:
                    run_id = run_dict[run_dict_key]
                    run = self._mlflow.create_run(self._exp_id)
                    run_id =
                    run_dict[run_dict_key] = run_id
                    # log params
                    for idx in param_idx:
                        subkey = k[idx]
                        param_name = subkey.origin
                        # check if the origin occurs multiple times
                        if np.sum(origins == param_name) > 1:
                            occurence = np.sum(origins[:idx] == param_name)
                            param_name = param_name + str(occurence)
                            self._mlflow.log_param(run_id, param_name, subkey.value)
                self._mlflow.log_metric(run_id, k[-1].value, v)
        return out_dict

    def fit(self, *args):
        """Fits to args using `_apply_func`"""
        out_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.vfuncs.items():
            out_dict[k] =
        self.fitted_vfuncs = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=out_dict)
        prev = self.fitted_vfuncs[PREV_KEY][1:]
        if hasattr(self, FILTER_PREV_KEY):
            prev = getattr(self, FILTER_PREV_KEY) + prev
        setattr(self, PREV_KEY, prev)
        self._fitted = True
        return self

    def fit_transform(self, *args):
        """Fits to args and transforms only the first arg."""

    def transform(self, *args):
        """Transforms args using `_apply_func`"""
        if not self._fitted:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Please fit the Vset object before calling the transform method."
        out_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
            if hasattr(v, "transform"):
                out_dict[k] = v.transform
        return self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=out_dict)

    def predict(self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None):
        """Predicts args using `_apply_func`"""
        if not self._fitted:
            raise AttributeError("Please fit the Vset object before calling predict.")
        pred_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
            if hasattr(v, "predict"):
                pred_dict[k] = v.predict
        preds = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=pred_dict)
        if with_uncertainty:
            return prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by)
        return preds

    def predict_proba(
        self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None
        """Calls predict_proba on args using `_apply_func`"""
        if not self._fitted:
            raise AttributeError(
                "Please fit the Vset object before calling predict_proba."
        pred_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
            if hasattr(v, "predict_proba"):
                pred_dict[k] = v.predict_proba
        preds = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=pred_dict)
        if with_uncertainty:
            return prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by)
        return preds

    def evaluate(self, *args):
        """Combines dicts before calling `_apply_func`"""
        return self._apply_func(*args)

    def __call__(self, *args, n_out: int = None, keys=None, **kwargs):
        """Call args using `_apply_func`, optionally seperating
        output dictionary into `n_out` dictionaries with `keys`
        if keys is None:
            keys = []
        if n_out is None:
            n_out = len(args)
        out_dict = self._apply_func(*args)
        if n_out == 1:
            return out_dict
        out_dicts = sep_dicts(out_dict, n_out=n_out, keys=keys)
        # add back prev
        prev = out_dict[PREV_KEY]
        for i in range(n_out):
            if n_out == len(args):
                out_dicts[i][PREV_KEY] = (prev[0],) + (prev[i + 1],)
                out_dicts[i][PREV_KEY] = prev
        return out_dicts

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Accesses ith item in the vfunc set"""
        return self.vfuncs[i]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        """Returns true if vfuncs is a dict and key is one of its keys"""
        if isinstance(self.vfuncs, dict):
            return key in self.vfuncs.keys()
        return False

    def keys(self):
        """Returns Vset vfunc keys"""
        if isinstance(self.vfuncs, dict):
            return self.vfuncs.keys()
        return {}.keys()

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.vfuncs)

    def __str__(self):
        return "Vset(" + + ")"

    def __create_subkey(self, value):
        """Helper function to construct `Subkey` with
        this Vset determining origin and output_matching
        return Subkey(value,, self._output_matching)


def evaluate(self, *args)

Combines dicts before calling _apply_func

Expand source code
def evaluate(self, *args):
    """Combines dicts before calling `_apply_func`"""
    return self._apply_func(*args)
def fit(self, *args)

Fits to args using _apply_func

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def fit(self, *args):
    """Fits to args using `_apply_func`"""
    out_dict = {}
    for k, v in self.vfuncs.items():
        out_dict[k] =
    self.fitted_vfuncs = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=out_dict)
    prev = self.fitted_vfuncs[PREV_KEY][1:]
    if hasattr(self, FILTER_PREV_KEY):
        prev = getattr(self, FILTER_PREV_KEY) + prev
    setattr(self, PREV_KEY, prev)
    self._fitted = True
    return self
def fit_transform(self, *args)

Fits to args and transforms only the first arg.

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def fit_transform(self, *args):
    """Fits to args and transforms only the first arg."""
def keys(self)

Returns Vset vfunc keys

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def keys(self):
    """Returns Vset vfunc keys"""
    if isinstance(self.vfuncs, dict):
        return self.vfuncs.keys()
    return {}.keys()
def predict(self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None)

Predicts args using _apply_func

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def predict(self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None):
    """Predicts args using `_apply_func`"""
    if not self._fitted:
        raise AttributeError("Please fit the Vset object before calling predict.")
    pred_dict = {}
    for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
        if hasattr(v, "predict"):
            pred_dict[k] = v.predict
    preds = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=pred_dict)
    if with_uncertainty:
        return prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by)
    return preds
def predict_proba(self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None)

Calls predict_proba on args using _apply_func

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def predict_proba(
    self, *args, with_uncertainty: bool = False, group_by: list = None
    """Calls predict_proba on args using `_apply_func`"""
    if not self._fitted:
        raise AttributeError(
            "Please fit the Vset object before calling predict_proba."
    pred_dict = {}
    for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
        if hasattr(v, "predict_proba"):
            pred_dict[k] = v.predict_proba
    preds = self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=pred_dict)
    if with_uncertainty:
        return prediction_uncertainty(preds, group_by)
    return preds
def transform(self, *args)

Transforms args using _apply_func

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def transform(self, *args):
    """Transforms args using `_apply_func`"""
    if not self._fitted:
        raise AttributeError(
            "Please fit the Vset object before calling the transform method."
    out_dict = {}
    for k, v in self.fitted_vfuncs.items():
        if hasattr(v, "transform"):
            out_dict[k] = v.transform
    return self._apply_func(*args, out_dict=out_dict)