vthemes provides convenient utility functions as well as a clean and modern theme for ggplot2 plots and R Markdown documents.


You can install the development version of vthemes from GitHub with:


Example Usage

The vmodern ggplot Theme

The vmodern ggplot theme provides a minimalistic but modern style to ggplot2 plots with discrete and continuous color schemes that are heavily built around viridis and the “Dark2” palette from RColorBrewer.

ggplot(iris) +
  aes(x = Sepal.Length, fill = Species) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.4) +
  theme_vmodern() +
  scale_fill_vmodern(discrete = TRUE)

ggplot(iris) +
  aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, color = Petal.Length) +
  facet_wrap(~ Species) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_vmodern() +
  scale_color_vmodern(discrete = FALSE)

The vmodern R Markdown Theme

The vmodern R Markdown theme is largely based upon the material design theme from the rmdformats R package but has been adapted to maximize the content spacing, improve tab functionality, and utilize a different color scheme. To use the vmodern theme, set output: vthemes::vmodern in the R Markdown yaml header as follows:

title: Document Title
author: Tiffany Tang
date: March 07, 2022

vmodern example