`predict_caret`, `predict_tidymodels`, and `predict_h2o` are wrappers for making predictions from a model using caret, tidymodels, and h2o backends, respectively. These wrapper functions provide uniformity of input arguments to easily switch between the different modeling packages (see `predict_models()`).
predict_caret(fit, Xtest, ...)
predict_h2o(fit, Xtest, ...)
predict_tidymodels(fit, Xtest, ...)
Model fit. Typically the output of `fit_caret()`, `fit_h2o()`, or `fit_tidymodels()`.
Data matrix or data frame on which to make predictions.
Additional arguments to pass to `predict.train()` in `fit_caret()`, `h2o.predict()` in `fit_h2o()`, or `predict.workflow()` in `fit_tidymodels()`.
A tibble with the following columns:
Raw predicted value (e.g., the predicted class in a classification problem and the predicted continuous value in a regression problem.)
In a classification problem, this is a tibble with the predicted probabilities for each class. This column is omitted for regression problems.
Other predict_models_family: