General Visualization FunctionsA library of general functions for making beautiful visualizations. |
ggplot WrappersFunction wrappers around common ggplot geoms. |
Plot pretty bar plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty boxplots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty kernel density plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty histogram plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty line plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty scatter plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) PlotsFunctions to create common EDA plots. |
Plots summary of data distribution |
Plots heatmap of (X, y) data |
Plots summary of data split distributions |
Plot pretty hierarchical clustering dendrograms. |
Plot (clustered) heatmaps using pretty ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty pair plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot pretty PCA plots using custom ggplot theme. |
Plot horizontal dot plot. |
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) TablesFunctions to create common EDA tables. |
Summary table of (X, y) data |
Summary table of data types in (X, y) |
Text summary of the data dimensions |
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing FunctionsA library of functions to preprocess or clean data. |
Splits data into training, validation, and test sets |
Filter out columns in data to reduce dimension. |
Basic cleaning functions to remove columns in data. |
Modeling FunctionsFunctions to fit, predict, evaluate, and interpret models using caret, h2o, or tidymodels backends. |
Wrappers for fitting a model using common modeling backends |
Wrapper for fitting models using common modeling backends |
Wrappers for printing model fits from common modeling backends |
Wrappers for making predictions from a fitted model using common modeling backends |
Wrapper for making predictions from fitted models using common modeling backends |
Wrapper for evaluating predictions from fitted models using common modeling backends |
Wrappers for extracting feature importances from a fitted model using common modeling backends |
Wrapper for extracting feature importances from fitted models using common modeling backends |
Feature importance plots |
vdocs and Rmarkdown UtilitiesUtility functions for creating the vdocs Rmarkdown template. |
veridical design - bootstrap HTML output format |
Load in saved responses in vdocs Rmd template |
Load in data file |
Print fit results summary |
Display evaluation results summary in Rmd |
Validate data inputs for (X, y) |
Validate inputs for data splitting proportions |
Knitr options setup for vdocs Rmd template |