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Overview of inputs and outputs for user-defined functions when running a simChef Experiment. Dotted boxes denote optional input arguments that are automatically passed through in a run_experiment() call if specified.
Overview of inputs and outputs for user-defined functions when running a simChef Experiment. Dotted boxes denote optional input arguments that are automatically passed through in a run_experiment() call if specified.


  • Inputs
    • Any number of named parameters (e.g., dgp_param1, dgp_param2, …)
  • Outputs
    • A list of named elements to be passed onto the method(s) (e.g., dgp_out1, dgp_out2, …)


  • Inputs
    • Named parameters matching all names in the list returned by the DGP function (e.g., dgp_out1, dgp_out2, …)
    • Any number of additional named parameters (e.g., method_param1, method_param2, …)
  • Outputs
    • A list of named elements (e.g., method_out1, method_out2, …)


  • Inputs
    • fit_results (optional): output of fit_experiment()
    • vary_params (optional): character vector of parameter names that are varied across in the experiment
    • Any number of additional named parameters (e.g., eval_param1, eval_param2, …)
  • Outputs
    • Typically a tibble or data.frame


  • Inputs
    • fit_results (optional): output of fit_experiment()
    • eval_results (optional): output of evaluate_experiment()
    • vary_params (optional): character vector of parameter names that are varied across in the experiment
    • Any number of additional named parameters (e.g., viz_param1, viz_param2, …)
  • Outputs
    • Typically a plot (e.g., a ggplot or plotly object). Can also return tables or more generally, any R Markdown snippet (e.g., verbatim text)

Outputs of *_experiment

  • fit_results: output of fit_experiment()
    • A tibble of results from each (replicate, DGP, Method) combination with the following columns:
      • .rep: replicate ID
      • .dgp_name: name of DGP
      • .method_name: name of Method
      • vary_across parameter columns (if applicable): value of the specified vary_across parameter
      • A column corresponding to each named component in the list returned by Method (e.g., method_out1, method_out2, …)
  • eval_results: output of evaluate_experiment()
    • A named list of elements, with one element for each Evaluator in the Experiment
      • The list names correspond to the names given to each Evaluator in create_evaluator(.name = ...)
      • The list elements are exactly the return values from each Evaluator function
  • viz_results: output of visualize_experiment()
    • A named list of elements, with one element for each Visualizer in the Experiment
      • The list names correspond to the names given to each Visualizer in create_visualizer(.name = ...)
      • The list elements are exactly the return values from each Visualizer function